Thursday, December 31, 2009


Hello friends and neighbors. I hope 2010 has been good to you. But if not, I have a secret that will make 2011 be your best year ever!

Maybe the whole idea of getting adjusted by a chiropractor freaks you out. I know it did for me. But don’t let your fear of chiropractors prevent you from incorporating chiroprapractic’s gift to the health profession:


Have you ever seen people that just seem to have something special about them? You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you just get a good vibe when your near them. Their skin is clear, they have good posture, they look younger than they are, they look well rested, they seem more athletic, and they don’t look stiff. Come to think of it, you notice they don’t get colds that often and they are generally in a better mood than most people. I see people like this come into my practice every day. I’m not saying its the adjustment that made them so radiant and full of life, but I will tell you that living the chiropractic lifestyle will put you on the right coarse for a healthy life. On the other hand, I see other people that have every excuse in the world why not to see a chiropractor. These people generally are the same ones that put everyone else in their lives first before themselves. They are the ones who will give everyone the good toast but they will take the burned one. They are the ones that are generally not good to themselves and many of these individuals don’t love themselves.

Before we go any further you need to know this. Medicine is NOT synonymous with the Chiropractic Lifestyle. Medicine deals with sickness and disease while chiropractic deals with health and prevention. Medicine is reactive while chiropractic is proactive. Medicine is about giving you a pill, potion or a shot. If that doesn’t work they start cutting things off you. Chiropractic is about a natural way of healing that believes your body can heal itself from “Above Down and Inside Out”. At this point, you might think I am anti-allopathic. That’s not true at all. In fact, in my offices we incorporate orthopedics, neurology, pain management, and podiatry.

What are the benefits to you and your family by adopting the Chiropractic Lifestyle? Imagine being in an elite group of the top ten percent of the nation. In that group you will find most professional atheletes and a large percentage of movie stars and entertainers. “Well, Dr. Salse, the only reason those hoity-toity people go to chiropractor is ’cause they have the money”. Not true. Many of them come in to chiropractic offices just like other patients. They have health insurance. But even if you don’t, chiropractic is relatively inexpensive and affordable compared to medicine.

Many people who live the “The Chiropractic Lifestyle” have some things in common.  Some of these are  eating healthy, daily exercise, connecting with your spirituality, drinking plenty of water, staying away from processed foods, avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, getting massages, wearing orthotics if needed, working on your balance and posture. Last but not least is getting your spine adjusted.

I encourage you to find a great DC in your area and make 2011 the year you add chiropractic to your lifestyle! Many chiropractors offer affordable family wellness plans. A wellness plan can include periodic adjustments, attendance to health workshops, and one-on-one consultations on nutrition and exercise. Make sure you get a referral from a friend or family member before choosing a chiropractor.

This blog will close 2010 my friends. Together let’s commit to taking charge of our health and making 2011 the healthiest, happiest year ever!!!!

David Salse

Old Town Monrovia, CA

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the adorable post
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